Photo of Sangsoon Chang, Acupuncturist [IN_LOCATION]

Sangsoon Chang

Acupuncturist, DOM, MSOM, LAc, DiplCH, diplABT Verified

as a licensed acupuncturist & herbalist also doctor of orient medicine I am passionate about helping people live healthier & happier. I treat a wide variety of conditions falling into 3 main categories 1 pain management- include acute & chronic muscle & joint pain. chronic headaches& migraine headaches . sciatica. 2 internal medicine- female& male reproductive health include menstrual disorder . fertility support. menopause. digestive disorder. allergies. fatigue 3 emotion wellbeing -stress. depression. anxiety. mood swing.

Photo of East West Acupuncture, Inc, Acupuncturist [IN_LOCATION]

As a complementary approach to primary care I practice orthopedic acupuncture, modern medical acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine to best address the indivdual needs of each patient. I provide effective natural health care and pain treatment with success and joy, since 1986.

Photo of Dawei Shao, Acupuncturist [IN_LOCATION]

Dr. Shao has degrees on both Western and Chinese Medicine: a bachelor degree of Western Medicine from Clinical Medicine Department, Harbin Medical University in China in 1996; a Master Degree of Oriental Medicine from Southwest Acupuncture College in USA in 2006. Through the training of both medicines, Dr. Shao has a unique understanding about healing and health. He is Nationally Certified on Oriental Medicine and is licensed in New Mexico as a Doctor of Oriental Medicine.

Photo of Li Xu, Acupuncturist [IN_LOCATION]

Li Xu

Acupuncturist, PhD, DOM Verified

Dr. Xu earned her Ph. D on Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine in China and has been practicing Acupuncture and Herbs for years and gained ample clinic experience. Her kind, professional and trustworthy manner help her clients feel secure and comfort; her excellent techniques and treatments has helped hundreds of her clients for various kinds of diseases.

Photo of Diane H Polasky, Acupuncturist [IN_LOCATION]

I have been licensed as a Doctor of Oriental Medicine in NM for over 31 years and, during that time, have opened my doors to all. All of my patients, regardless of age, gender or health status are ideal; they present with a variety of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual issues, from simple to extremely complex. If an individual is seeking a safe, comfortable environment and a compassionate medical professional that respects who they are in their totality, where they've been and what they need, I will share their walk and provide healthcare services to the best of my ability. I tell my patients I work WITH them, not ON them.

Photo of Li Li, Acupuncturist [IN_LOCATION]

Li Li

Acupuncturist, DOM, LAc Verified

Dr. Li Li, with over 30 years of extensive experience, provides painless and advanced treatment with acupuncture, natural herbs, bodywork, as well as dietary and exercise consultation. She has been successfully treating thousands of patients with various health conditions. In her practice, Dr. Li Li sees every client as a unique individual and designs individualized treatment plans that address their symptoms and root causes. She also emphasizes client education to promote health and prevent diseases.

Photo of Reed Acupuncture, Acupuncturist [IN_LOCATION]

Acupuncture has been used to successfully diagnose, treat, and prevent disease for over 2,000 years. Acupuncture relieves pain, strengthens the body's natural defenses, improves organ function and promotes overall well being. Acupuncture is such a profound and complex system of medicine that it has positive effects on most ailments. Acupuncture is an effective treatment for pain, allergies, anxiety, headaches, infertility, digestive problems, and many other issues. If you struggle with health issues that affect your quality of life, you can benefit from acupuncture treatment.

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BlueCross and/or BlueShield Acupuncturists
If you have health insurance coverage with Blue Cross, or you're looking for BlueCross Acupuncturists in Albuquerque (or Albuquerque Acupuncturists who accept Blue Cross), please contact these Acupuncturists and confirm that they are either in-network with BlueCross are or can help you with your Blue Cross coverage.

If you have health insurance coverage with Blue Shield, or you're looking for BlueShield Acupuncturists in Albuquerque (or Albuquerque Acupuncturists who accept BlueShield), please contact these Acupuncturists and confirm that they are either in-network with Blue Shield are or can help you with your Blue Cross coverage.

If you have health insurance coverage with BBCBS, or you're looking for BCBS Acupuncturists in Albuquerque (or Albuquerque Acupuncturists who accept BCBS), please contact these Acupuncturists and confirm that they are either in-network with BCBS are or can help you with your BCBS coverage.

Acupuncture in Albuquerque - is it right for me?
Acupuncture is based on the concepts of oriental medicine or traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and is one of the oldest healing practices in the world. Albuquerque acupuncturists are health care professionals who evaluate and treat the many conditions, aches and pains that respond to acupuncture.

Acupuncturists insert very fine acupuncture needles into the body. The purpose of the needles is to stimulate acupuncture points or meridians. The needles do not inject any substance into your body and are so fine as to be virtually impossible to feel. In some cases, acupuncture may be accompanied by electrical stimulation or the burning of moxa, a form of heat therapy. Or use acupressure, where physical pressure is applied by hand or elbow to trigger points with the aim of clearing blockages in these meridians.

'Accupuncture' and 'Accupuncturist' are common mis-spellings.