Free Printable Zebra Print Baby Shower Games

Having a new baby is one of the milestone moments of your life. There's every reason to celebrate the impending arrival with family, friends and colleagues. These fun and exciting baby shower game ideas will help you have a shower to remember!

If your baby shower has a theme, it can help inspire your games. But even without one, there are some classic shower games that are a staple of modern baby showers. Whether you know exactly what you want, or you're in the early planning stages, these baby shower games are sure to help give your party a little extra pizazz!

How many games should be played at a baby shower?

No baby shower is complete without some baby shower games. And the more baby shower games you play, the more fun your party will be! So how many baby shower games should you play?

There's no one right answer to this question. But we've found that baby showers typically last between 1-2 hours. If you're on a tighter time frame, or if you have a smaller guest list, it might be better to stick to just one baby shower game. However, if you have plenty of time and people to spare, feel free to add in some extra baby shower game ideas!

How long do baby shower games last?

The baby shower games don't need to be played for hours. The baby shower games should normally last about 15-30 minutes. There are, of course, some games which are ongoing throughout the day, but they are played in the background.

A good example of this is the game "Don't Say Baby," which will continue throughout the day until a winner is revealed at the end.

Do I need to play games the guests already know?

One way to make your baby shower more enjoyable is by playing baby shower games that guests do not know. This will engage them and increase the festivities. While the classic games are always fun, having a few new ones is going to keep things interesting.

What baby shower games can be played outside?

Baby shower games like Baby Bingo or Baby Dice can be played outside, as long as there is a good weather plan. You need to make sure you will not get wet and the baby shower guest knows what kind of outfits are appropriate for that game. Otherwise these baby shower games should be played inside to avoid any baby shower guest from getting wet or cold.

What can you do instead of baby shower games?

If you don't want to play traditional baby shower games, you can opt for other forms of entertainment – including board games. Games like Cards Against Humanity and Apples to Apples work for younger guests, and Scrabble or Trivial Pursuit may be more appropriate for more mature tastes.

Of course, you don't need to do games at all if that isn't your jam. The most important thing is to make sure that the mama-to-be and the guests are happy to take part in whatever festivities are planned.

Group of friends gathered together for a baby shower. Complete with food, presents and games. With the clothespin game, you try not to say "baby" or you give up a pin to someone else.

Baby Shower Games Your Guests Will Love

Guess Who?

What you'll need:

Baby photo of each guest
Numbered blank lists (one per guest)
Pens or pencils

How to play:

When sending out invites to the party, ask guests to email or bring a baby photo to the baby shower. Once everyone arrives, collect the photos and tape them to a poster board, along with corresponding numbers for each. Then, distribute blank numbered lists to each guest, having them guess who is pictured in each photo.

Bobbing for Pacifiers

What you'll need:

Large plastic tub
10-15 pacifiers

How to play:

Like bobbing for apples, this game requires a large tub of water placed in a kitchen or outside. Fill it up with pacifiers, and let guests try to grab one with only their mouths. You may want to number the pacifiers and have corresponding prizes to give out to winners.

Once the game is over, be sure to wash and sterilize the pacifiers and give them to the mom-to-be.

Find the Guest!

What you'll need:

Pens and paper
Computer and printer

How to play:

When you send out the invites, ask each guest to respond with a few fun facts about themselves (such as type of car they drive, where they went to college, ages of children, etc). Type up a list of each fact (there may be multiple guests who share facts, so only put each one once) and leave a copy on each guest's seat. As everyone arrives, they should mingle and interact with each other until they can check off each fact as it is associated to a new person. Whomever can check off the entire list first wins a prize.

What Am I?

What you'll need:

Plain note cards
Safety pins for each guest

How to play:

Take a stack of index cards (one for each guest) and write a baby-related item on each one. For example: dirty diaper, pacifier, car seat, onesie. As each guest arrives, pin a card to their back and have them mingle together, asking questions until they guess what their item is. Once they guess, they can pin the card to their front.

Don't Say Baby

What you'll need:

5 clothespins per guest

How to play:

This is a game played throughout the shower. As each guest arrives, pin five clothespins to them and instruct them, "Don't say baby." If a guest catches another guest saying the word "baby," they can take one of their clothespins. The guest who collects the most clothespins at the end of the baby shower is the winner.

Because I Said So!

What you'll need:

Pens and paper for each guest
Bowl to collect the slips

How to play:

Ask each guest to write down their best parenting quote from their own parents. Put all slips of paper in a bowl and have guests draw them out one by one. See if they can guess who's parents said it and whether or not they use it with their own child.

Don't Drop the Baby

What you'll need:

1 egg per guest
Paints, food coloring, markers, etc.
Large spoons

How to play:

Give each guest a hardboiled egg and have them decorate it to look like a baby. Then, organize a race with each guest carrying their egg "baby" on a spoon around a specific area. To make it extra difficult, have them hold the spoon in their teeth! Guests who drop their eggs are out. Have winners continue to race one another until only one is left as the winner.

Ice Ice Baby!

What you'll need:

An ice cube tray
Small plastic babies

How to play:

This fun game is really simple to play. Before your baby shower, place the plastic babies in an ice cube tray, pour water and freeze them. When guests arrive, give each guest a single ice cube in their drink. Remind them to pay attention, as once their baby melts out of their ice cube, the first person to shout, "My water broke!" wins.

Play Dough Babies

What you'll need:

Play dough in different colors

How to play:

Place your play dough on the table and start a timer for 15 minutes. Tell your guests to use the play dough to create their own dough baby. Let the mom-to-be decide the winner of cutest dough baby.

We're Having a Baby!

What you'll need:

Pins (optional)

How to play:

Split the guests up into even teams, and give each guest a balloon. When the game starts, the first person must blow up their balloon and stick it under their shirt. The second person should follow suit, and so on until everyone on the team has a balloon under their shirt. Then, using a pin or simply by pressing bellies together, the first person must pop their balloon, followed by the second and third, etc. Whichever team pops all the balloons first wins.

Diaper Change Relay Race

What you'll need (1 for each team):

1 pack of newborn diapers
1 tub of baby wipes
1 receiving blanket
1 baby doll

How to play:

Split your guests into even teams, and have each one stand in a line. Start with a baby doll wearing a diaper and swaddled in a blanket. When the timer starts, have the first member of the team begin changing the baby. Remove the blanket and diaper, "wipe" the baby, then re-diaper and swaddle. Play passes to the next member of the team, who repeats the process. Once all members of the team have completed the sequence, the fastest team wins.

Balloon Baby Twister

What you'll need:

Twister game

How to play:

Have each guest blow up a balloon and place it under their shirt to simulate a pregnant belly. Then, play Twister while the mama-to-be watches in amusement. Award prizes for craziest pose, most balloons in the shirt, and those who survive the game without popping or dropping their balloons.

Hang the Diaper

What you'll need (for each team):

1-2 packs of newborn diapers
Mini clothespins
Pieces of string about 10 feet long

How to play:

Use string tied to the backs of chairs or other posts to create a long "clothesline." Then split guests into teams, set a timer and see which team can hang the most diapers in the given time. Whichever team hangs the most diapers wins.

baby shower bingo cards

Baby Shower Bingo

What you'll need:

Bingo cards (with 3×3 squares)
Small stickers or pens

How to play:

Download this set of 15 Baby Bingo Cards and print them off. Give one card to each guest, along with a pen or set of stickers. As mom-to-be opens their gifts, guests can mark any items received on their cards. The first guest to complete a row, column or diagonal wins.

The Price Is Right

What you'll need:

Pictures of baby items
Pen and paper

How to play:

Lay the photos on a table or paste them onto a poster board. Have guests look at each item and write down how much they think each one costs. The one who guesses closest without going over wins a prize.

he said she said baby shower game

Who Said What?

What you'll need:

Printed copies of this downloadable he said/she said game

How to play:

Before the baby shower, give copies of these questions to the parents-to-be and have them agree on answers. During the party, give guests each a copy of the questions and have them choose their answer. Then, reveal the answers and tally who got the most correct.

wishes for baby baby shower game

Wishes for Baby

What you'll need:

Our printable sheet for the "Wishes for Baby" game

How to play:

This game requires you to print out our "Wishes for Baby" game. Print a copy for every guest (and mom!), and allow them to fill out the sentences. They can get as silly or sentimental as they like. Once done, have people read out their answers to each question, and vote on the best answer. The winner gets a point. At the end, figure out who has the most points to award a prize. Bonus: Keep the sheets for mom and baby to look back on in the future.

Baby Birthday Pool

What you'll need:

Pens and paper for each guest, or
1 printed calendar of the expected birth month to pass around

How to play:

A betting pool is a classic baby shower game. Before the party, find out mom-to-be's anticipated due date. Then ask guests to predict the day and time baby will be born. Write their name on the predicted date, along with the time. Promise a prize to whoever comes closest once baby arrives. To make the game even more fun, get the guests to bet $1, $5 or even $10 with the winner splitting the prize money with mom.

Guess the Famous Mom

What you'll need:

Name tags with the names of famous mothers printed on each

How to play:

Just like the "What Am I?" game, this one is a great icebreaker. Print out photos of famous moms (they can be fictional moms from TV shows or films or real life celebrity moms) along with their names. Pin these photos to the back of each guest and have them interact with other guests to try and guess their famous counterpart.

Do You Know What It Is?

What you'll need:

10 paper bags
10 baby items (like a diaper, pacifier, etc.)
Pen and paper

How to play:

Before the party, place a single baby item into each bag, and label each bag with a number. Once the baby shower begins, give the guests a pen and paper and have them pass around each bag. Without opening it, they must try and guess what is inside. They may shake and feel the bag, but they must remain closed. After everyone has written down their guesses, ask the mom-to-be to reveal what is inside each one. The guest who guessed the most correctly wins.

How Old Was Mom?

What you'll need:

Photos of the mom-to-be at different ages
Pen and paper

How to play:

Place the photos of the mom-to-be on a table or poster board, numbering each picture. Ask the guests to write the numbers in order from youngest to oldest, and see who gets the most correct.

Decorate the T-shirt

What you'll need:

Plain T-shirts or baby bodysuits for each guest
Fabric markers or non-toxic fabric paints

How to play:

Give the guests each one baby onesie and access to an array of fabric markers and paints. Let them have 20-30 minutes to decorate their onesie for the coming baby. See if mom can guess who decorated each one.

Make a Baby Quilt

What you'll need:

Pre-cut squares of light-colored fabric
Fabric markers or non-toxic fabric paints

How to play:

Create a wonderful keepsake for mom and baby by having guests get involved in this fun craft project. You can send out the white fabric squares in advance or wait until guests arrive. Let them use fabric markers and paints to decorate a square that will become part of a larger quilt. Have extra squares on hand in a variety of colors and let the mom and guests lay out the squares into a small quilt pattern. After the party, either assemble the quilt yourself or have an expert get it done for you. It's the perfect group project that everyone will love.

Baby Shower Word Scramble Game

Baby Word Unscramble

What you'll need:

Scrambled word lists (one for each guest)
Pens or pencils

How to play:

Print out our simple baby shower word scramble printable or create your own by assembling a list of 10 – 20 words. Hand out copies of the word lists to each guest and give them five minutes to try to unscramble each word. Whoever gets the most correct wins!

Baby Name Maker

What you'll need:

Pens and paper

How to play:

Give each guest a sheet of paper and pen, and have them write down the names of the expecting parents (first and last). Then, set a timer for ten minutes and see how many names they can come up with just from the letters in the parents' names. See how many unique names they can find to inspire the mom-to-be.

nursery rhyme baby shower game printable

Nursery Rhyme Knowledge

What you'll need:

Printable Nursery Rhyme Game
Computer and printer

How to play:

Print out our free nursery rhyme game printable, and give one to each guest. Distribute the worksheets and give them five minutes to answer all the questions. Whomever gets the most correct wins a prize.

Name the Baby Tune

What you'll need:

A playlist of baby songs

How to play:

Gather your playlist of baby songs, and once everyone is ready, press play. Have guests shout out the names of the songs, and award points to whomever is fastest. The one with the most points wins.

Diaper Surprise

What you'll need:

A few different kinds of candy bars containing chocolate
1 packages of diapers
Pen and paper

How to play:

Before guests arrive, melt each candy bar in the microwave and smear the mess onto a diaper. Label them with numbers so you know which diaper has which candy bar. Have your guests sniff and inspect each diaper, writing down which diaper has which candy bar. The winner is the one who has the most correct guesses.

Diaper Raffle

What you'll need:

Raffle tickets
Prizes for the draw

How to play:

In your invitation, ask guests to bring one or more packages of diapers (be sure to ask for a variety of sizes – babies grow fast!). Each pack of diapers gets them a raffle ticket. During the shower, do a raffle draw with some small prizes for those whose tickets are chosen. The guests get a prize, and the parents-to-be get plenty of diapers.

Pick a Duck

What you'll need:

1 toy duck for each guest
Baby bathtub

How to play:

Fill the baby bath with water, and place all the ducks inside. Mark the bottom of one duck with a special symbol. Ask each guest to pick a duck, and whoever gets the marked duck wins a door prize. Make sure to donate the baby bath and a few ducks to the mom-to-be.

baby animals matching game

Baby Animal Names

What you'll need:

Printable baby animal name game
Pens and paper

How to play:

Test your guests' knowledge of animals with this fun game. Print out a copy of the list for each guest and give them ten minutes to figure out the answers. Use the answer key to figure out who got the most answers correct. Give a prize to whoever has the highest score.

Friends surround a pregnant woman at a baby shower

Free Printable Zebra Print Baby Shower Games


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